Miami Vice (2006)
Miami Vice, the movie, is a silver screen take on THE iconic TV show of the 1980s. Starring Colin Farrell as Crocket and Jamie Foxx as Tubbs, and directed by Michael Mann (the man behind the original show), the styles and situations have been updated to be contemporary. And that's most of what we see. The movie is visually arresting with dark, shadowy colors enhancing the mood. Like the TV show, it's far more style than substance, so in that sense, it's a successful translation from TV to movie.
The story takes us to the world of major drug trafficking (no big surprise there) where a large inter-agency operation by the Feds has been compromised by some informant in one of the many departments involved (FBI, Homeland Security, BATF, DEA, etc). When things go sour in Miami, the Feds turn to an agency that has not been involved: Miami-Dade Vice. Crockett and Tubbs go undercover and out of the country to make the deal. Things complicate from there.
For the most part, the material isn't original, we've seen much of it before. There's just not that much substance. The love interest isn't particularly plausible. The Colombian drug lords are fairly stereotypical. On the other hand, the acting is pretty decent. The music fits the tone of the movie. The action is generally simple and straightforward and serves the story (rather than the other way around as in most summer blockbusters).
So, not a spectacular film, but definitely watchable.
Letter grade: C+
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